dimanche 25 décembre 2011

Best of 2011

Since the year is almost over, it's time for another "best of" post. I'm not ranking albums in a specific order as it's hard for me to compare post-hardcore with symphonic metal. 

We Are The Ocean - Go Now And Live

Rise Against - Endgame

Within Temptation - The Unforgiving

Civet - Love & War

The King Blues - Punk & Poetry

Thursday - No Devolucion

Nightwish - Imaginaerum

What I'm waiting for in 2012 :

Billy Talent - TBA
Lacuna Coil - Dark Adrenaline
Anti-Flag - TBA
Epica - Requiem For The Indifferent
VersaEmerge - TBA
Delain - We Are The Others

samedi 6 août 2011

Alexisonfire : RIP

Bad news. Alexisonfire has decided to break up. George Pettit explains it all in a statement on the official AOF website.
I'm really sad to hear that. Alexisonfire is my favorite band since the release of Crisis, I even got their "heartskull" tattooed on my arm. Luckily I saw them live twice. Only twice!

Encore un excellent groupe qui se sépare... Alexisonfire. George Pettit explique les raisons qui ont poussé le groupe à prendre cette décision sur le site officiel.
En ce qui me concerne personnellement, c'est une bien mauvaise nouvelle, étant fan du groupe depuis la sortie de Crisis au point de m'etre fait tatoué leur fameux "heartskull" sur le bras. Heureusement je les ai vu deux fois en concert... seulement deux fois et il n'y aura jamais de troisième.

lundi 25 juillet 2011

The Ocean Between Us : "Hearts of Lions"

New video from the British band The Ocean Between Us, for the song "Hearts of Lions" that is available on their  first S/T EP.

Nouvelle vidéo pour les Anglais de The Ocean Between Us, pour le titre "Hearts of Lions" extrait de leur premier EP éponyme. 

mardi 19 juillet 2011

Thrice : "Yellow Belly"

A new song from Thrice has just been revealed. It's called "Yellow Belly" and you can download it for free!
The new album Major/Minor will be in stores from September 20 on Vagrant Records.

Une nouvelle chanson de Thrice, "Yellow Belly", vient d'être dévoilée et est disponible gratuitement sur SoundCloud. Le nouvel album Major/Minor quant à lui sortira le 20 septembre sur Vagrant Records. 


lundi 18 juillet 2011

Interview : The Butcher's Rodeo

I interviewed the French hardcore band The Butcher's Rodeo for All The Rage TV. Read it here (in french only). The band just released a first EP, Like a Hobo on a Bison that you can download for free on their official website.

J'ai interviewé pour All The Rage TV le groupe hardcore parisien The Butcher's Rodeo, à retrouver ici. Le groupe vient juste de sortir son premier EP nommé Like a Hobo on a Bison, téléchargeable gratuitement sur leur site officiel

jeudi 2 juin 2011

Live : Civet

Civet live @Salle Emeraude, Bressuire (79), FR
Supported by Delirium Tremens and Toxic Nighthawks

Damn! That's what I thought when I learnt Civet were playing in Bressuire, a town lost in the middle of nowhere. It's really nice that the band from Los Angeles and signed on Hellcat Records were playing 1. in France 2. Not only in Paris 3. Only two hours away from me. So let's go to the punk rock show.

dimanche 22 mai 2011

Thursday : Magnets Caught In A Metal Heart

Thursday just released a first music video from the new album No Devolucion, for the song "Magnets Caught In A Metal Heart". Enjoy.

La première video pour l'album No Devolucion vient de sortir. Il s'agit du titre "Magnets Caught In A Metal Heart". 

lundi 16 mai 2011

Live : Born To Lose

Born To Lose + Pipes and Pints @ Canadian café, Tours, FR - 11/05/11

I'm not able to write a good review for this gig, but just a few things :
First, how nice to see a band like Born To Lose in our little city of Tours. For those of you who don't know, Born To Lose is an American punk band from Austin, Texas signed on People Like You records. So quite an event! 

mercredi 30 mars 2011

Interview : The Prestige

You can find an interview I made with French hardcore band The Prestige. (in french)
Rendez-vous sur All The Rage TV pour lire mon interview des Parisients de The Prestige.


lundi 28 mars 2011

samedi 26 mars 2011


L.A. post-hardcore band Letlive are now dealing with Epitaph Records, which is going to re-release the album Fake History, with a few bonus tracks on April 12. For people who are not yet familiar with the band, here are the videos for "The Sick, Sick, 6.8 Billion" and "Casino Columbus".

Letlive, groupe post-hardcore californien ont signé chez Epitaph Records, qui va  ressortir l'album Fake History, agrémenté de quelques bonus. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas le groupe, voici les vidéos pour "The Sick, Sick, 6.8 Billion" et "Casino Colombus".

jeudi 24 mars 2011

Concert : Pneu + Don Vito

23/03/11 @ Les Joulins, Tours

This is a night I won't soon forget...will you? Interesting music...met new people, I mean someone special... Do you agree? :P

mardi 22 mars 2011

Thursday : No Answers

As a special treat before the release of No Devolucion, on April 12th, the band Thursday is giving away a new song called "No Answers". More details and the download link on this website. Don't forget that two others songs have been revealed before, "Magnets Caught in a Metal Heart" and "Past and Future Ruins".

Pour faire patienter les fans avant la sortie du nouvel album, No Devolucion, le 12 avril, le titre No Answers est à télécharger gratuitement ici. Il s'agit donc du troisième extrait révélé, après "Magnets Caught in a Metal Heart" and "Past and Future Ruins".

We Are The Ocean : The Waiting Room

English rockers We Are The Ocean revealed their new video, for the song "The Waiting Room". It is an extract from the upcoming album Go Now And Live that will be released on April 25. Pre-orders are already available from Hassle Records. The band will then tour Europe with Funeral For A Friend and The Blackout. 
Tour dates, blog and a ask the band section on www.wearetheocean.co.uk

We Are The Ocean viennent de nous dévoiler leur nouvelle vidéo, "The Waiting Room". Il s'agit du second extrait (après "What It Feels Like") de leur deuxième album Go Now And Live, à paraitre le 25 avril sur Hassle Records. Les pré-commandes sont déjà possibles pour les moins patients. Le groupe partira ensuite en tournée européenne avec Funeral For A Friend et The Blackout. ( 17 mai @La Marquise, Lyon et le 18 mai @ Glazart, Paris). Toutes les dates, tour blog et questions de fans sur www.wearetheocean.co.uk

Bring Me The Horizon : Blessed With A Curse

After "It Never Ends" and "Anthem", British metalcore band Bring Me The Horizon released a new video for the song "Blessed With a Curse", from the album There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let's Keep It Secret in stores since last October.

Après "It Nevers Ends" et "Anthem", les Britanniques Bring Me The Horizon viennent tout juste de dévoiler la  vidéo de leur troisième single, "Blessed With a Curse", extrait de l'abum There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let's Keep It Secret sorti en octobre dernier. 

lundi 21 mars 2011

Dropkick Murphys : Going Out In Style

This is the new Dropkick Murphys video for the song "Going Out In Style", from the new album Going Out In  Style, released on March 1st on Born and Bred Records. 

Voici le nouveau clip des Dropkick Murphys pour la chanson "Going Out In Style", extrait de l'abum du même nom sorti le 1er mars sur Born and Bred Records. 

lundi 14 mars 2011

Rise Against : Endgame review

Rise Against : Endgame 
15/03/11- Interscope

I've discovered Rise Against while they released The Sufferer and the Witness (2006) , which is my favorite record from their discography. Then I discovered  previous releases which showed me the hardcore roots of the band. When Appeal To Reason (2008), their previous effort entered my CD player, I must say that I was like other fans : disappointed. Some songs are really good but the band took a new path that let us skeptical. Today, the band presents us their sixth album, Endgame. I had no expectations, but one hope : to hear the band go back to the melodic hardcore/punk that we love.

dimanche 13 mars 2011

My Only Scenery

I've just discovered My Only Scenery, a young band from Metz, France. They play a combination of hardcore and progressive and have released two EPs so far : Begin To Walk and Laugh In Flowers" (2008) and Until We Breathe (2010). They are really good in my opinion and I recommend everyone to check them out. Below are the music videos for "Meeting with my Helical Queen" and the new one, "We Are the Walkers". Enjoy!

Je viens tout juste de découvrir My Only Scenery, groupe messin de hardcore/progressive qui a deux EPs à son actif : Begin To Walk and Laugh In Flowers (2008) et Until We Breathe (2010). J'aime beaucoup ce qu'ils font, aussi je vous invite à les écouter. Ci-dessous, les videos de "Meeting with my Helical Queen" et la nouvelle, "We Are the Walkers". 

mercredi 23 février 2011

Civet : Love And War

L.A. punk rock band Civet is back with a new line-up and a new record! After the departure of the bass and drums players, the sisters Liza Graves and Suzi Homewrecker have recruited two boys : Christian Riersgard on drums and Jonny Grill on bass.
Love And War, the second album on Hellcat Records, has just been released, and is streaming on the band's Facebook page. Check it out!

Civet, groupe punk rock de Los Angeles, est de retour avec un nouveau line-up et un nouvel album. Après le départ de la bassiste et de la batteuse, les soeurs Liza Graves et Suzi Homewrecker ont recruté deux hommes : Christian Riersgard à la batterie et Jonny Grill à la basse. L'album Love And War vient tout juste de sortir sur Hellcat Records, et en entièrement en streaming sur la page Facebook du groupe!

1. Can't Go Back
2. L.A. Nights
3. Love and War
4. Come on (I Wanna Be Your Girl)
5. Sunset
6. Summer of Hate
7. Deadbeat
8. Buy My Love
9. Cryin' Wolf
10. It's the Truth
11. I'm Not the One
12. Go Underground
13. Reap What You Sow
14. You Get What You Pay for

jeudi 17 février 2011

Rise Against : Endgame

On March 15th 2011, American punk-rockers Rise Against will release their sixth album called Endgame.
So far, two singles have been released : "Help Is On The Way" on January 25th and "Architects" on February 15th. There is no video available for now, but probably soon. You can listen below these two news songs and see the artwork and tracklist of Endgame if you click on "read more"!

Le 15 mars prochain, le groupe punk-rock de Chicago Rise Against sortira son sixième album studio, Endgame. Pour le moment deux titres sont disponibles : "Help Is On The Way" sorti en single digital le 25 janvier, et dernièrement "Architects" le 15 février. Aucune vidéo pour le moment mais cela ne devrait pas tarder. Vous pouvez écouter ci-dessous les deux titres en question, et voir l'artwork et la tracklist de Endgame en cliquant sur "plus d'infos"!

vendredi 11 février 2011

The Ocean Between Us : First EP

The Ocean Between Us is a young metalcore/post-hardcore band from Leeds, UK. They just released their first EP (self-titled) on A Wolf At Your Doors Records. I really recommend it. You can find it on Itunes and other digital retailers. The first video for " Nice One Kid, You Just Brought A Knife To A Gunfight" has also been released.
Read more for details concerning the EP.

The Ocean Between Us est un jeune groupe de metalcore/post-hardcore venant de Leeds, Royaume-Uni. Ils ont sorti leur premier EP éponyme sur le label A Wolf At Your Door Records. Je vous recommande vraiment de l'écouter, c'est selon moi une permière sortie de qualité. L'EP est disponible sur Itunes et autres plateformes de téléchargement. La première vidéo, pour le titre "Nice One Kid, You Just Brought A Knife To A Gunfight" est aussi sortie et à voir ci-dessous. 
Pour plus d'infos concernant l'EP, lire la suite...

samedi 5 février 2011

Emery : We Do What We Want

So another band I like announced a new album for 2011. Emery will released its fifth album We Do What We Want on March 29th. A first song, "The Cheval Glass" can be heard on their Facebook page. More details as the artwork and tracklist should follow soon. The band also revealed dates of their upcoming US tour.

On continue dans les sorties d'albums avec Emery, dont le cinquième album We Do What We Want sera disponible le 29 mars. Une première chanson intitulée "The Cheval Glass" est en écoute sur leur page Facebook. Plus d'infos comme l'artwork et la tracklist devrait suivre. Le groupe a également révélée les dates de leur prochaine tournée US. 

We Are The Ocean : Go Now And Live

Yeah! We Are The Ocean announced this week the name of their new album on BBC Radio 1. So it's called Go Now And Live and will available from April 25th on Hassle Records. The artwork has also been revealed as well as a UK tour. The band will then tour Europe and should play in France in May (as the band told me on twitter). Don't forget that the new single "What It Feels Like" is still available as a free download on their official website.  The video should be released really soon.

Mes petits Anglais préférés de We Are The Ocean ont annoncé le nom de leur nouvel album cette semaine. Celui-ci s'intitule donc Go Now And Live et sortira le 25 avril sur Hassle Records. La pochette a également été révélée tout comme les dates de leur tournée britannique. Le groupe devrait aussi passer par la France en mai (comme me la dit le groupe via twitter). Le nouveau single "What It Feels Like" est toujours disponible en téléchargement gratuit sur leur site officiel, et la vidéo devrait sortir très prochainement.

vendredi 4 février 2011

Within Temptation : The Unforgiving

Dutch symphonic rock band Within Temptation are about to release a concept album entitled The Unforgiving, on March 28th. The first single, "Faster" is already available.

Within Temptation, groupe néerlandais de rock/metal symphonique, s'apprête à sortir un concept album intitulé The Unforgiving, prévu pour le 28 mars. En attendant, le premier single, "Faster" est disponible.

Thursday : No Devolución

Thursday are back! The band finally announced the release of their new album, No Devolución on April 12th. At the same time they revealed the artwork, the tracklisting and a new song called "Magnets Caught In a Metal Heart" on Spin magazine's website, where you can find comments from Geoff Rickly. (read more for details).
I can't wait for it and I hope for an European tour announcement...will they play in France?

Thursday est de retour! Le groupe a finalement annoncé la sortie de leur nouvel album, No Devolución le 12 avril prochain. En même temps a été révélé l'artwork, le tracklisting ainsi qu'une nouvelle chanson, "Magnets Caught In a Metal Heart"sur le site du magazine SPIN, à voir pour lire les commentaires de Geoff Rickly. (lire la suite pour les détails). Voilà. J'ai vraiment hâte de l'écouter, et j'espère voir bientôt l'annonce d'une tournée européenne...mais passera-t-elle par la France? Rien n'est moins sûr...

mardi 11 janvier 2011

We Are The Ocean : new single/ nouveau single

I just want to let you know that one of my favorite band, We Are The Ocean are giving away their new single "What It Feels Like" for free on their website. Download it! The band also announced the end of the recording of the new album expected in April 2011.

We Are The Ocean, un de mes groupes préférés, offre son nouveau single "What It Feels Like", à télécharger gratuitement donc sur leur site. Par ailleurs le groupe a annoncé la fin de l'enregistrement de leur deuxième album, prévu pour avril 2011.

mardi 4 janvier 2011

Hey! I just want to share with you a really good french website, Alternativ News. Of course you'll need to speak french to understand most of it but you definitely need to have a look on the FREE download they made up for their readers. A compilation of 38 tracks of new bands you should check out : Tigers Jaw, Pianos Become The Teeth, CSTVT, The Republic of Wolves, The Arteries, As We Draw, Birds In Row and LOTS more!

Hola! Juste un peu de pub pour un site français que j'aime beaucoup. En plus des traditionnelles news, interviews et chroniques, Alternativ News propose maintenant une compilation de 38 titres des groupes montants de la scène hardcore/punk/screamo/indie etc tels que Tigers Jaw, Pianos Become The Teeth, CSTVT, The Republic of Wolves, The Arteries, As We Draw, Birds In Row... Elle est gratuite, je vous invite donc à vous faire plaisir et à la télacharger.

